Hibernate, Oracle, HSQLDB and sequences
Recently I was writing some unit tests where I needed to access a database sequence for generation of unique numbers. The production environment uses Oracle while my unit tests use HQSLDB. The numbers from the sequence are extracted by ordinary SQL through Hibernate meaning that I could not rely on specifying the database dialect since the SQL is hardcoded. The code used for extracting the numbers (in Oracle) looked something like this
long number =
((BigDecimal) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery
("select my_seq.nextval from dual")
Running this in a unit test results in a ClassCastException since HSQLDB either generates the primitive int or a BigInteger instance depending on how the sequence was created. A simple solution for this is to add a scalar to the query determining the type of the returned number.
long number =
((BigDecimal) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery
("select my_seq.nextval as id from dual")
.addScalar("id", new BigDecimalType())
Voila! The number is now converted to a BigDecimal by Hibernate and the ClassCastExceptions are long gone.